Dearest Family of Concordia,
With joy and gladness of heart, I invite you to join us on Sunday, June 21st, 10:00 am, as we hold public worship at Concordia!
Cherishing the words of St. Paul, For Christ’s love compels us, we are mindful that as we resume public worship, the Covid-19 virus remains a source of concern (2 Cor. 5:14, NIV). Given our love for our neighbor, the Council adopted the opening plan that you will find at the end of this message. I hope that you do take the time to read through it.
I would also like to call your attention to a few other items as we resume public worship. With worship, we need people to run the iPad. Given that the summer weather in here, I will be riding my bike and walking to the Church. I know that you will not lose sleep over the mode of transportation that your pastor chooses to use under the banner of Christian freedom, but I call that your attention because even though my vehicle may not be at the Church, I may well be. I do want to be readily available for pastoral care.
Opening Plan
- If you are sick or not feeling well, please stay home. We will be here when you feel well.
- When we resume public worship, we will not initially celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is simply to reduce physical contact with common surfaces. Please always remember Pastor is available for pastoral care, including private Communion.
- Please maintain six feet of distance from one another. This includes sitting in pews. We would ask those not of the same household sit six feet apart.
- Pastor will be available for greeting and conversation, but there will be no shaking of hands or other physical contact.
- Offering plates will be placed throughout sanctuary. Please place your offering in one. Plates will not be passed in order to limit touching.
- The Church doors will be propped open, again, to minimize the touching of common surfaces.
- Hand sanitizer will be available inside the front door. As well, soap and water are located in the rest rooms for hand washing.
- Our liturgy and the words to our hymns will be printed out, as they have been during the live streaming of our worship services. There will no need for you to hold a hymnal. In fact, we will ask that you refrain from using a hymnal to again limit the touching of common surfaces. Printed copies of the service will be available, but we would ask that if you have been using an electronic tablet, smartphone, or other electronic device to follow the order of service, please bring it to worship to follow the order of worship. This will help us save paper and printing costs. The WIFI connection to use is called “FELLOWSHIP-guest”, after connecting, the password is, BeMyGuest and it is case sensitive. It is also posted on the bulletin board on the fellowship side.
- We would ask that you do not bring any food or beverages into the Church. We understand that there must be exceptions for infants on this. No coffee will be served following worship.
- Under the banner of Christian freedom, you are free to wear a mask if you desire, but masks are not mandatory as a condition of attending worship.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
In Christ,
Pastor Heller